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Current status

Current status

ween Sobaek and Noryoung mountain range in southern Chungcheong-do. Borders Gyoungbuk Sangju-si,Daejeon-si, Chungbuk Yeongdong, and Boeun. 172km from Seoul, 50km from Cheongju, 18km from Daejeon
Rugged mountain range Sokrisan (Mt.) runs down from Sobaek mountain range So-okcheon-cheon (stream), Bocheng-cheon, Wolwoe-cheon, Nongam-cheon, uiji-cheon and aeshim-cheon converge to become Geumgang (river).
  • National river : Geumgang (River) 75.8km
  • Regional first class river : Bocheongcheon (stream) 27.0km
  • Regional 2nd class river : 11 streams 98.2km
  • Small Stream : 198 streams 288.9km
  • National expressway : 1 route 27.2km
  • Gun road : 18 routes 207.4km
  • National highway : 3 routes 69.3km
  • Agricultural & Fishery road : 181 routes 493.4km
  • Local highway road : 5 routes 90.5km
  • Railroad : Gyoungbusun, Gyoungbugosokcheol (Express Railroad)

HumanㆍSocial Environment Administrative Districts

HumanㆍSocial Environment Administrative Districts - Division, Okcehon-eup, Dongi-eup, Annam-myeon, Annae-myeon, Cheongsung-myeon, Cheongsan-myeon, Iwon-myeon, Gunsuh-myeon, Gunbuk-myeon, Total
Division Okcehon - eup Dongi - myeon Annam - myeon Annae - myeon Cheongsung - myeon Cheongsan - myeon Iwon - myeon Gunsuh - myeon Gunbuk - myeon Total
area 47.56 62.25 31.77 64.41 82.76 72.37 66.38 46.94 66.63 537.11
law 21 10 7 13 17 18 15 10 14 125
order 62 22 12 18 22 22 28 13 18 223
ban 380 73 45 63 107 110 105 53 58 994
nature village 52 40 32 32 52 63 62 34 38 405

Population and Households (as of 2018)

  • Households : 23,681
  • Population : 51,465

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